(Sept. 26, 2013) The Mexican government recently announced that it has been formally admitted as a member of the 42-member Australia Group (AG). (Press Release, Mexican Department of Foreign Affairs, México Ingresa Formalmente al Grupo Australia (Aug. 12, 2013).)
The AG countries, on a voluntary and cooperative basis, work to prevent the dissemination of technologies, materials, and equipment that may allow terrorists or states to acquire or develop biological or chemical weapons. (Press Release, AG, Mexico Joins the Australia Group (Aug. 12, 2013).)
The Mexican government indicated that, in order to join the AG, it was necessary to work for more than two years to make the country’s legal framework compliant with applicable international export control standards. (México Ingresa Formalmente al Grupo Australia, supra.)
According to the AG press release issued on the occasion,
As an AG Participant, Mexico would also promote the fulfilment [sic] of international obligations created under the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) and UN Security Council Resolution 1540, among others.
With its admission into the AG, Mexico has demonstrated the will to implement rigorous controls of high standards in international trade, and its capacity to adapt its national regulatory system to meet the necessities of its expanding economy.(Mexico Joins the Australia Group, supra.)